
Redy Rahadian is known for noticing the unnoticeable. He is sensitive to his surroundings and able to create a unique art piece inspired from a simple daily object. To him a daily object is not merely functional, but full of unlocked potential. Welding is his signature technique. It allows him the freedom to bring the shapes, sizes, composition, and proportion that he visualizes to life. The technique itself is considered cutting-edge. Indonesia only has a handful of master artists in welding. Redy Rahadian is one of them.

Redy Rahadian believes in inspiring others. He is passionate in introducing new ways to explore solid materials, presenting a completely new way to see and use an object. He exposes the world to creations that are sometimes peculiar but wondrous. Redy Rahadian breaks boundaries and steps out of boxes. He takes others to bravely venture roads that are less traveled.